I’d be willing to take some CC requests, but don’t make any promises. If you do use any of them I’d love if you let me know and tagged me in any screenshots, but it’s not a requirement. I haven’t played with any of them, so it might turn out that they’re hideous in actual gameplay I’ve provided the face codes for ME2/3 and slider positions for ME1, all under the read more.

I’ve also got some of ELE08’s hair tweaks installed- again you don’t need them but they look nicer than vanilla, and you could of course use whatever hair mods you fancied. They will look quite different without them, but hopefully not bad.

Sooo… present?Īll of these use Kani Hime’s face texture packs. I now have a bunch of FemSheps I will never use. Science flies you to the moon, religion flies you into buildings Boards Mass Effect 2 Anyone got a really attractive code for a female.īlood Dragon Armor dlc is free FireDrakeZ 1 916 12:47AM Tali legion fight (spoilers) n1triplehfan 3 913 6:24PM How to change character appearances Ares421 2 823 12:57PM Miranda jack fight question n1triplehfan 4 724 7:57PM Cain on the Shadowbroker AnimeFan35 4 630 10:59AM.I’ve been messing around with the ME character creators and I think I’ve gotten fairly good with them, though it is 99% down to texture mods that they look nice (and I am still awful with the male CC). GT: Cramtron User Info: Botswanna Botswanna 10 Im sure the site will improve as more people discover it and upload their characters, but for now, Im not too impressed with what people have submitted. I saw one good face (the one with the bald head) and I put the code in, and it wasnt even the same face as the picture.

Spit so many verses sometimes my jaw twitches One thing this party could use is more.ahem booze.

User Info: lakerspsg4 lakerspsg4 10 years ago 7 How do you input the code I saw the code at the bottom but I didnt see a way to edit it. Sign Up for free (or Log In if you already have an account) to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Mass Effect 1 Female Shepard Face Codes Code I Saw Mass Effect 1 Female Shepard Face Codes By tatosarra1984 Follow | Public